Monday, April 21, 2014

Instagram and Twitter and Facebook, Oh My!

There's been some debate in the world of education as to the usefulness or necessity of social media in the classroom.  As a music teacher, I find social media essential to the development and outreach of my program! Basically, I have strived to create a 'brand' for my classroom and our activities (including concerts, community service, trips, and fundraising). This brings the classroom into the students' worlds, making it more 'relevant' in their eyes and allowing for easier communication of reminders and materials to extend what goes on at school.

At the beginning of the school year, I include a release on my parental syllabus sign-off requesting permission to publish their students' picture online or in any advertising material for the department. The kids love to see themselves on the web!

Another important feature (at least for me) is to try and use the same handle or username for each platform. That way, there is only one name to remember.  In an effort to encompass all groups, classes, and events, I try to use the handle KHSTitanMusic for everything.

Facebook was the first avenue I started to use to connect with students and their families. I created a FanPage and they had to 'like' the page in order to receive the updates. The fan page functions independently of my personal account and 'liking' my fan page does not make me 'friends' with the students. I could post reminders, status updates, extension websites, events, and photos of students participating in department sponsored activities. Facebook is becoming less popular among the students because their parents are now on it, but it's still a great avenue for advertising and sharing with the community. It is still my 'most followed' social media presence. 

 At first, I didn't feel a need to be connected to Twitter, but then I realized that Twitter seems to be the most- used social media platform for my students. They are CONSTANTLY connected to Twitter, especially with the prominence of the smart phone. I pretty much post the same material to Twitter that I do to Facebook, but it seems to reach the students more immediately. Again, I do not follow the students if they follow my school page- we are not 'friends'.  I use HootSuite to manage Facebook & Twitter- I can post info or links in one place and have it publish on both sites. It's pretty convenient! 

Most recently, I started an Instagram page for the department and it's been a lot of fun! This is less for advertising and more for just connecting and celebrating student accomplishments.  I like to post photos of seniors with their college admission letters, countdowns to trips and concerts, silly faces of students, students on stage or at football games performing, and inspirational quotes. The students can tag the department in photos or I can repost something from them that is relevant and appropriate. This is also linked to Twitter to try and reach a larger audience. 

The students turn to YouTube for a number of reasons, so having a presence on that site has proven beneficial.  We do a school-wide Lip Dub at the end of the year just for fun- and again, the kids love to see their friends and themselves online! I also use private YouTube links to share concert recordings and rehearsal videos with students to do performance critiques and self evaluations. Then, they can subscribe to the department page and receive notifications when I post a new video.

Overall, meeting the students at their level of interest has proved beneficial for the development of my program. I'm always looking for new ways to bring school to the students' world. Please share if you have any great ideas! 

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